Hurricane Dorian in Florida Fall Preview
September 5, 2019
When Hurricane Dorian was developing, I commenced research on Hurricane Dorian originally showing that it would hit the entire state of Florida and as the days get closer to Sunday evening (September 2, 2019. As the week of September 3rd progressed Hurricane Dorian grew stronger and stronger. The hurricane started off as a category one but as moved to a category three as of today. It is predicted to hit about 111 to 129 miles per hour. Dorian could be the strongest hurricane to hit Floria’s east coast since Hurricane Andrew in 1992, almost 3 decades ago! Hurricane Irma, in 2017, did the costliest damage to Florida since Andrew. The category of Irma was Category 5 Hurricane, Category 4 Hurricane, and Category 1 Hurricane. Costing about $77.2 billion in damage. As the live forecast goes on, this Hurricane is bound to be the strongest. The President of the United States, Donald Trump, is considering all precautions possible to assist the states involved.
Since Monday Floridians have been preparing for the day that the hurricane is going to hit since Monday morning, leaving stores like Walmart, Publix, Cosco, etc.., sold out of water because people are buying around six cases per customer. Each store is stocking up on water as fast as they can so that when their water lines aren’t working, people will still have something to drink. Floridans are also stocking up on coal so that they can still have heated food to eat during this time. They’re also buying flashlights, batteries, canned food, first aid kit, lighters, and much more so that they have things to survive. Even sanitation items to keep themselves clean for up to 3 days. As of today, Friday, August 29th, the hurricane is leaving the Carribean Island under SOS alert. As the hurricane is passing the Carribean Island, Puerto Ricans are getting a bit of relief, although they’re not in the safe zone just yet; they’re not getting hit as bad as Hurricane Maria did in 2017. Hurricane Maria hit Puerto Rico as a category 5 hurricane, leaving the Island to do many repairs. To this day, Puerto Rico is still not fully recovered from all the damages that have happened. Which left people wondering if they were prepared to get hit with Hurricane Dorian this year. This hurricane was the most devastating hurricane since Hurricane Mitch, in 1998, two decades ago given the amount of damage in the Bahamas!
I will update you as information becomes availabe and the path of the storm is further determined.
Hurricane Dorian has left the Bahamas with $7 billion in damage. There has been 43 people confirmed dead after the hurricane hit, as of Friday, September 21st, they believe there are more people. The residence in the Bahamas said “This is no place for anybody at the moment”. The Bahamas has always been a sightseeing place, about 6.3 million people visit there a year. The people that reside there are trying to leave there now because of the damage that is left behind, it left more than half of the homes damaged. Hurricane Dorian was suppose to hit Florida the worst however, it only touched ground as a category one leaving Florida with no costly damages. Florida was hit with the rain, the winds even big waves. Later on in the forecasts, they predicted it was going to hit the Carolina’s, however, it was only a category one as well. If the hurricane was to hit the whole state of Florida, the Bahamas and the Carolinas, the cost of the hurricane could’ve reached more than $125 billion. Hurricanes that were costly like that were hurricane Katrina and Harvey. To help out families in the Bahamas, that are trying to go back to their normal lives, there are mutltiple GoFundMe accounts. I am going to attach one created by Buddy Hields, an NBA player for the Sacramento Kings also is from the Bahamas, he wants to help his home country. .