New Castle is Preparing Students for Technical Careers

Brady Zook
December 1, 2019
New Castle is very much thinking of beyond school for our students. Our Junior and Senior High School have recently developed a partnership pilot program with the University of Carnegie Melon. This will give students an opportunity to earn a certification. In order to get a certification, there are five focus fields. In these five focus areas, they all explain areas needed to work in the STEAM workforce.
Mrs.Emily Sanders, the Directory of Assessment/Data and Technology, was the one to present the good news to the school board. New Castle had the ability to develop this program from CelebratED in Pittsburgh during September. New Castle was given the ability to start innovating the Tech program, which has now led to this. There are also some tech-based classes you are able to take. For example, there is Mr.Koscinski’s Intro to Engineering Class, and Mr.Dado’s Robotics class.