Lost Legends: Sensei William Stoner

April 15, 2020
William (Billy) Stoner was a martial arts instructor from New Castle Pennsylvania. He studied martial arts for over 40 years and spent many of those years studying with Shito Ryu legend and Genbu-Kai president, Fumio Demura. After his years of training with Mr. Demura in California, he started a dojo here in New Castle, his hometown. He always wanted his students to be better than he was, this resulted in him being very strict. This motivation is what made many of his students prosper in life. Many of his students became doctors, teachers, lawyers, and movie actors.
Sensei Stoner was a Roku Dan (6th-degree black belt), but he also had black belts in Kobudo (Okinawan weapons) and Batto-do (sword). Despite all his hardships, he always stayed optimistic, regardless of any illness, or family problems. He overcame many health problems, such as cancer and strokes. On easter of 2019, Sensei Stoner passed away leaving his wife, children, grandchildren, siblings, and many others. Sensei was a very respected man and is known all over the world for being one of the best karate instructors of the modern karate era.
Here are a few messages on sensei Stoner’s impact on peoples lives:
Anthony Sorrentino, Michigan Genbu-kai:
“It’s been a year since Sensei Stoner has been gone. For the most part, I feel like he is still here, but when I get the urge to call him is when it hits me. I get this horrible feeling in my stomach and I get sad knowing it’s not possible anymore. He frustrated me, confused me, and made me think he was crazy at times, but the one thing he always did was make me laugh. That’s the thing I miss most. I wish I could just call him so he could make me laugh. I hung his picture on my Shinzen on the dojo wall, so I see him almost every day. In my head, I say hello to him before each class and at the end of each class. I say to him, “not bad huh?” I recognize myself mimicking him all the time when I’m teaching the class. We talk a lot about preserving the art of Karate, but what I realize is that I am always trying to preserve the feelings and excitement that I experienced in karate from incredible teachers like Sensei Stoner. I know he was proud of the Michigan dojo and would be proud of how we’re handling this present crisis. I miss him dearly like so many others do.”
Jim Otter, Kansas Genbu-kai:
“When we traveled to Pennsylvania, he was always a gracious host and wanted to make sure everything was taken care of for us. He always made sure we could make it to church whether we were in Pennsylvania or California. His way of keeping us all connected with our faith. He had a very caring heart coupled with a strong love and desire for Genbu-kai and Demura Sensei.”
Nick Veri, Ohio Rengo-kai:
“Bill Stoner was always 100% dedicated to the martial arts. Outside of his family, this was his life. He gave his support to many with all his travels to the events within our karate family. He will be missed by many.”
Fumio Demura, President of Genbu-kai and Cheif instructor:
“Bill responded to his difficulties by letting himself deepen his friendships, and appreciate and enjoy life more fully. His great sense of humor was much more visible. We loved Bill, and he will always have a very special place in our hearts and the tapestry of Genbu-kai.”
Chad Assid, Pennsylvania Genbu-kai:
“Sensei Stoner, Thank you for all you have done for us. Thank you for the many lessons and life-changing principles that made us who we are. We will carry on your legacy and we will not fail. Domo Arigato gozai mashita.”