Backstage Pass

Camri Cochran, Senior Editor

Our high school is known for many of its special events. Football and basketball games, Robotics Competitions, Marching Band, Candy Canes, Flagline, Bowling matches, you name it and we most likely have it. One of our events on the rise in this school is none other than the Musical. Its incredible amount of teamwork, energy, and adrenaline makes the show addictive, leaving you wanting to come back every night to watch the cast perform. To many viewers, the eyes of the audience are locked on the lead characters, but the annual musical attendee knows that there is a lot more to the show than just that. The chorus members, supporting roles, sets, backdrops, choreographers, costume designers, and directors all partake in the end result of a beautiful masterpiece. The audience as whole witnesses the final result, not knowing the amount of work that actually goes into these big-time shows. The family bonds that are formed, the amount of physical work put into each scene, song, and dance number is a certain sign that the energy on stage is much enjoyed by the cast as well as the audience. The musical is a team effort that requires everyone to give all of their dedication to putting on a great performance. Audience members both young and old are able to enjoy the show when the energy backstage is friendly, for those friendships made over the amount of time spent at practices, shines a spotlight on the theater that no other school event can compete with.  We look forward to seeing you on April 2, 3, and April 4h for our production of Hello Dolly.