Mariah Shepherd 2017 Homecoming Queen!!

David Cumo and Matthew Gibson, Feature Editors

Mariah Shepherd was named New Castle’s Homecoming Queen 2017.   Mariah  is the daughter of Sheryl Russo-Shepherd.  Her escort was George Eggleston.  Mariah is a member of the National Honor Society.  In addition, she has  participated in Volleyball for five years.  Recently, Mariah was nominated for the 2018 Positive Athlete Award.  Mariah is a author who published a novel last spring titled “Would You Believe Me?”   She is currently in the process of delivering her latest novel a sequel “Can You Find Me?”. Mariah  assists with the school yearbook and newspaper and is always willing to volunteer her time to various community service projects. Mariah also works at Subway. She is currently exploring attending several universities to pursue a degree in Nuclear Medicine.