An Open Letter to the Class of 2020

June 4, 2020
Dear New Castle High Students,
Well, the day has finally come that I have dreaded for a very long time. The day I say goodbye to New Castle Jr-Sr High School for good. It’s kind of bittersweet, ya know? The end of a chapter and the start of something new. But I know one thing for sure, I could not be where I am today, hopefully, going to walk the stage without the teachers that have stood behind me for the past four years at Ne-Ca-Hi. So for that, if you have taught me even if it was for one semester, I thank you dearly.
Is this the way I wanted my high school career to end? Absolutely not. Instead of sitting home right now and typing this on my computer, I’d rather be no other than right in the Eye of the Hurricane room typing this where I would usually type every article I’ve ever done. I wish I could be roaming the halls of Ne-Ca-Hi which would have been the very final few days I could have been doing so. I wish the class of 2020 as a whole could experience our last prom, Cedar Point, baccalaureate and so much more together as our final days were approaching as a group together. But unfortunately, most of if not all those things I mentioned are no longer a reality, rather a dream. I still do have hope for commencement to happen but given the current world events, I’ll hold my breath.
What’s next for me? Well I’d be gladly to say I am heading off to Clarion University to peruse a career in business management. I am perusing this degree in hopes to work for Major League Baseball someday.
To every student I have worked within the last four years in the Eye of the Hurricane, I would also like to thank you dearly. Working with you and your ideas and visions was absolutely great. Thank you guys for putting together multiple editions of the paper that people love to read in their spare time. You guys could not have made my job as the Senior Editor of Operations any easier. With that, I would also like to name Brett Tyree the new Senior Editor of Operations for the 2020-2021 school year. I believe Brett will be just as good, actually if not better than how I did. To the members of Journalism for the 2020-2021 school year, you have a great leader in Brett.
Heading into the last paragraph of this letter, I would like to thank no one other than Mr. Abe himself. Fitting right? The biggest thank you comes at the end. Abe, you have been there for me from day one when I came back to New Castle my freshman year. I’ll never forget the first time you called me brother and gave a fist bump the first day of 9th grade of Accelerated English. I knew I would have to say goodbye to you eventually and I have been dreading this day ever since the first day of senior year. I would also like to thank you for believing in me as in most people did not. You stood by my side every day of high school to make sure I was ok. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to write articles and express myself through the Eye of the Hurricane. I will always miss spending as much time with you during school. I mean who else would I want to spend quality time with? Although I might not be able to see you every day in the future, best believe I will make frequent trips to the coffee shop and dojo. I would just like to say thank you, Abe, one last time because you were truly the best teacher I’ve ever had.
With that said, I would now like to say my four-year tenure at the Eye of the Hurricane has now come to a close as this will be my final article. New Castle, you are forever in my debt. I am a Hurricane for life.
Best regards,
Sam Cynar (Senior Editor Class of 2020)