Senior Spotlight: Jeremy Hunt

May 16, 2022
Jeremy Hunt is a Senior here at New Castle Senior High School and has been attending New Castle Area School District his entire life. I was fortunate enough to ask Jeremy a few questions about high school and his future. Jeremy is currently a member of New Castle Senior High’s National Honors Society.
What are your plans after graduation?
Hunt: “I plan to attend Slippery Rock University to major in homeland security; with a highly likely transfer to Louisiana State University the following semester.”
Do you play any sports and if so, do you plan to continue playing these sports in the future?
Hunt: “I currently am a member of the New Castle Varsity baseball team; an organization I have been part of for the past four years. I may possibly walk on the Slippery Rock University baseball team for the 2022-2023 season, but only time will tell.”
What has been your most challenging task as a senior?
Hunt: “My most challenging task has been making my college decision. It has been tough picking between two of my top schools, but in the end, I decided to choose Slippery Rock University for a couple of reasons. The first is the location, for the campus is relatively close to home, and the second is the great education that the school offers that correlates with my major.”
What has been your favorite memory from your high school career?
Hunt: “My favorite memory from high school has to be winning the WPIAL and PIAA state championships my junior year.”
Who has been your biggest influence that led you to be the person you are today?
Hunt: “My biggest influence has definitely been my dad. He has taught me pretty much everything I know including to always work hard in whatever I choose to do and to always put effort into it, never giving up no matter how hard the task may be.
Do you have any advice for the next generation of New Castle students?
“My advice for the next generation would have to be to always work hard and never stop being a kid; as well as to always have fun whenever you can.”
I want to thank Jeremy for his time and answers and wish him the best of luck in the next step of his career!