New Castle Art Department Highlight

January 24, 2023
I was fortunate enough to interview two of our amazing Art teachers here at New Castle. We hope you enjoy the interview. Hopefully, you get to take an Art class sometime in the future! They seem really cool!
Q- When did you begin your teaching career? How long have you been teaching Art?
Mrs. Mays- I began my teaching career in 1994. I have been teaching at NCASD for 16 years, 2 years at Slippery Rock High School, and 2 years at Hickory Elementary School for a total of 20.
Mrs. Nogay- I began my teaching career in 2002 and have been at the high school since 2004.
2. What do you like most about teaching Art?
Mrs. Mays- The best aspect of teaching art is guiding students to express themselves, visually with a skill that they might not have been aware that they possessed.
Mrs. Nogay-There is so many areas that are enjoyable, I honestly couldn’t imagine being in any other career. The most rewarding experience is witnessing the students grow and mature throughout the four years, watching them express their individuality and creativity in a way that requires reflection and thought, which shines through their artwork.
3. What is the best thing about the Art department?
Mrs. Mays- The best feature of the Art department is the atmosphere and excitement of possibilities that come from our imaginations.
Mrs. Nogay- The students
4. What is one cool thing about your department here at New Castle?
Mrs. Mays- One cool idea about the Art department is students create personal sculptures/projects with their hands and 3D supplies, which is the opposite of computers that build from a student-created program.
Mrs. Nogay-We are multifaceted. The students have many options in the courses they can take.
5. What is your biggest challenge this school year?
Mrs. Mays- The biggest challenge this school year is finding the supplies that are used for our 3D letter sculpture.
Mrs. Nogay-The most difficult challenge would be trying to meet all the needs within a class/period.

Thanks to Mrs. Mays and Mrs. Nogay for the interviews! Mrs. Flora is also an Art teacher in the department but was unable to interview at this time. We hope you have a great school year Art Department!