Hey Canes! I had a chance to sit one with of the starters on the Lady Cane’s basketball team, Rihanna Boice. Let’s see how she is preparing for this season! Rihanna is a Junior at New Castle and has been on the team for the last 3 years.
Q- What do you believe to be one of your weaknesses and what are you doing to improve them?
Rihanna- I think one of my weaknesses is not communicating as much as I should. I want to improve it by getting out of my shell and starting to speak up and not being afraid of what people will say or if they will listen or no
Q -Describe your strategies for defending against an offensive player during a game.
Rihanna- My strategy is playing them by what their weakness is. like if they are lefty you wanna push them right. if they have a quick first step you wanna give them space and get low.
Q- What do you think is the most important aspect of being a member of a team?
Rihanna- The most important aspect of being a part of the team is having leadership and knowing how to play together as a team.
Thank you for the interview, Rihanna! We look forward to watching you and the team play this season.