.As of this school year, New Castle Sr/Jr. High School has stepped up its gym class with the intensity. In previous years our PE classes were calm, people only being active if they wished but as of late the Sr. high gym teacher, Mr. Panella has helped step up the gym game! Students have the opportunity to use the school’s weight room and do workouts and reps in there under Mr. Panella’s supervision, we also do warm-ups in the field house. Daily, when we students walk into the gym for the class period were prompted to circle around the field house and walk. Following this our teacher takes attendance and depending on what we are doing for the way determines the rest of that class period. If we’re staying in the field house we do the workout our gym teacher as presented us for the day and then when we’re done it is upon ourselves to keep entertained. Our gym has lots of equipment to use and it makes it more enjoyable with friends! If were going into the weight room it is also dependent on us to keep active with the variety of equipment to use and choose from. The main two rules of this year’s gym class are staying active and having fun. The class it meant for us as students to enjoy our time but also stay active -hence the main idea of physical education – it is our job as the students to follow these rules so the gym class is safe and enjoyable for everyone in the building.
New Castles New and Improved Gym Policy
May 18, 2024