Call of Duty Black Ops 4 Officially Announced

March 9, 2018
Well, it’s official. Call of Duty Black Ops 4 hits shelves October 12th 2018. If you read my article yesterday, there was a rumor going around that BO4 would be revealed yesterday. We were right. The worldwide reveal of Call of Duty Black ops 4 was yesterday and it brought a lot talk to the table in the gaming community. First off, instead on being a first week of November release, the game now releases on October 12th 2018. A Lot of CoD fans including myself are wondering why it is releasing a month early this year. The speculation is, it is trying to beat Rockstar’s Red Dead Redemption 2’s sales. With Red Dead 2 releasing on October 26th, Black Ops 4 is trying to one up them in the sales by releasing there game a whole month early. With that being said, there is not much left to confirm other that the game is going to be set in the year 2020 and will have traditional boots on ground movement. If you are hyped for this game like I am, the first official Call of Duty Black Ops 4 trailer drops May 17th at the reveal community event held in California. The event will be streamed on YouTube.