How Marvel Should Write and Produce Avengers 4

April 30, 2018
WARNING: The contents of this article contain spoilers from Avengers Infinity War. If you have not yet watched the film and do not want to be spoiled, please click off this article now.
Well, I do not know how to say this any better. For once, the bad guy “Wins”. For the first time in the ten year Marvel Cinematic Universe, the villain walks away the winner of the battle. You think I would state that Thanos won the war right? No. In this article, I will present to you how Marvel should write and produce Avengers 4, or Infinity War Part 2.
The movie leaves off on a major cliffhanger. Thanos collects all of the Infinity Stones and wipes out half of humanity like he has said many times before.The likes of Spider-Man, Black Panther,Nick Fury,Star Lord, Drax, and Groot are among multiple Avengers that are faded into dust by the hands of Thanos’ snap with the Infinity Gauntlet-the device that holds all 6 Infinity Stones. These events are evident that they will lead up to the next Avengers film, Avengers Infinity War Part 2. This is possibly in Marvel managements thinking for the future success of the Infinity franchise.
The movie should start where Infinity War last left off, with Tony Stark, Iron Man, grieving the losses of his fallen Avengers. While Thanos on the other hand is striving to take over and balance the galaxy with the power at his fingertips. Now that half of the world’s population is faded into dust, the surviving Avengers have a huge task. The Avengers need to reverse Thanos’ spell, since the ones that have faded to dust are not necessarily dead. They can do this buy somehow capturing the time stone. They would need to go back in time and try to reverse the events of Infinity War. They would also need to capture the Soul Stone as well in order to bring back the fallen Avengers as well as the other population that faded into dust because the souls of the fallen are now in the Soul Stone.
The end credit scene of Infinity War sets up these events perfectly. Before Nick Fury fades to dust, he sends someone a signal for help. Who is this person you may ask? Her name is Captain Marvel. In the Infinity Gauntlet comic book series, Captain Marvel is the person that defeats the mad titan Thanos and retrieves the Infinity Gauntlet to turn everything back to normal. This included bringing back all the Avengers that have faded to dust as well as the civilians. It is most likely that Marvel will stick to this plot because Marvel has a tendency to have their movies correlate with the comic books. Just look at the ending to Infinity War as an example of that. In the Infinity War comic series, Thanos collects all the Infinity Stones and kills every Avenger there is. Do you see any similarities to the two scenarios I just explained? Well, I guess us Marvel fans will have a fun time speculating the events of Avengers 4 for a whole entire year. Avengers 4 hits theaters May 3rd, 2019.