Alexis’ Poetry Corner/Sneak Preview Fall
September 24, 2018
In this segment, poetry will be the main focus; taking it as most complain when hearing about the poetry section of their English classes. If you have a thought of what poetry is and how to enjoy it, the likelihood of you not enjoying poetry should be lower than what it is now or may be.
The definition of poetry is a literary work in which special intensity is given to the expression of feelings and ideas by the use of distinctive style and rhythm; poems collectively or as a genre of literature. In other words, poetry is a rhythmic way of spilling words hiding thoughts and emotions behind certain words.
Examples of this correspond to internal struggle or/and emotions:
Storms relating to anxiety, “Behind a rush of smiles hidden storms of ice cold rain and flashing yellow”
Examples of this correspond to external struggle/ visual sights;
“Sunflowers soaking in the sun,”
Autumn Hearts by Alexis Lovett
You made my love green like summer oak
Pink petals happiest smile in spring light
where it had to soak
you smiled, for it was where you wanted it to be, was it worth the sight?
Light only darkens with time, and so did we
my autumn leaves
you laugh at me and the golden sea
the only bright color left of me is yellow, my autumn trees
My autumn heart, my autumn feelings
you stole my green and soon my yellow
my trees cannot grow with these ceilings,
the ceilings you guarded, the lived once mellow
But autumn doesn’t last forever, soon to freeze
my autumn trees lose their hearts just to grow back
my autumn leaves
disappear, my summer heart on track.
When writing as such it doesn’t need to be perceive by others as you perceive it. In my poem, I take it as getting through heartbreak is like seasons changing as somebody completely opposite of me can take it as anything.
Rather it be this post or somebody certain to get you into poetry, you should give it a try because just maybe it’s a hidden talent for you. I remember I started to get into poetry in 7th grade in Mrs. Buckle’s class, but really getting into it in 8th grade when I had Mrs. Argiro in English class and she inspired me to be interested in writing. She did a poetry lesson with a holocaust book we read. I read my poetry in front of the class, and they loved it which boosted my confidence, and all through 9th grade including the summer I continued writing as much as I could.
I’d love to thank Mrs. Argiro for getting me into the literary arts and boosting my confidence in this art.
Alex’s Tip One; Poetry doesn’t have to rhyme!
Unless you want the poem itself to rhyme, you don’t have to. Poetry should be done in your own way.
Alex’s Tip Two; Poetry doesn’t have just one meaning.
Poetry, for everybody, has many meanings and even if it has one meaning to you; it could mean so many different values to others. When writing poetry, think how your poem portrays to you and how it may portray to others.
How could you possibly successfully finish your writing if you’re not confident with it? I used to hate writing poetry because I thought it was all terrible until my friends and teachers declared it was a talent of mine. That’s when I began writing more frequently.
Overall, Those are the three most important tips I can give.
I hope to all could start to be confident, and feel the need to start writing because the best way to portray your thoughts is to write them down.
For this is all for this segment of ‘Alex’s Poetry Corner,’ I’d hope you take poetry or writing in general to mind.
Keanna Jones • Sep 25, 2018 at 12:17 am
I’m so proud of you best friend! <3
Sue Lovett • Sep 24, 2018 at 3:35 pm
Alexis Lovett is my granddaughter and I am very proud of her! Can’t wait to read more of her writings!
adviser • Sep 28, 2018 at 12:49 pm
Great Student!!
Mr. ABe
Marianne Lindsay • Sep 24, 2018 at 3:28 pm
You have a real talent, Lexi! You are a beautiful writer! So proud of you!
adviser • Sep 28, 2018 at 12:49 pm
Great Student
Mr. ABe
adviser • Sep 28, 2018 at 1:11 pm
Great Work!!!
Mr. Abraham