The Brady Zen Way-Unplug and Clear Your Mind

October 12, 2018
Without a doubt humanity and benevolence are lacking greatly in today’s society. The Brady Zen Way is my attempt to explain the cause behind the lack of civility in society. Can you recall the last time you saw a good samaritan helping an elderly woman, or a student helping its peers pick up their books when they fall? Your answer is most likely to be you haven’t saw it in a long time, Why? I may not have all the answers to that question but I contend there a relationship between the overuse of technology and the lack of empathy that people have towards one another. Today’s generation of younger woman and men are overly stimulated with visual images and constant connection with technology. Because of the overuse they are prisoners to this technology marketing scheme orchestrated by today’s technical companies. The technology is slowly inhibiting individuals thought process even though people would deny that premise. The overuse of phones and other technology are making people turn into very ineffective communicators.
When you are overwhelmed with activity or stressed out, there’s a great way to clear your mind and be a great communicator. Remember use your phones for educational purpose and spend more time with your family when you have the opportunity-and most importantly do some breathing techniques as well. An easy breathing technique is to sit in an comfortable position, proceed to put your hand on your stomach, and exhale through your nose. This technique can make you very mindful and make you think before you proceed to spread a negative vibe and ruin those who practice great humanity. In today’s society I would never want someone who lacks humanity to come up to me, and say something very negative and completely ruin my day. The key is mind over matter- and that means if you feel negatively towards a person you want to leave them with a positive impression instead. In most instances a positive impression leads to a positive interaction between people.
There are many more benefits of mindfulness, awareness and kindness. The Brady Zen way is what will make the universe a for all of us-while making the people communicate more effectively. The Brady Zen Way wants to leave an impact on our society and to make the wold a better place. At the end of the day the message behind the Brady Zen Way wants to be perceived in ways to help mankind act and for students to act in a more responsible and kind manner. . The internet and technology can become an addiction, that can lead to very ineffective communication and lack of social skills. Just remember when you’re experiencing online bullying or negativity-just disconnect!!!! Remember the Brady Zen Way!!