38th Annual Lawrence County Band Festival
September 25, 2017
The Lawrence County Band Festival is an annual tradition started 38 years ago by former Laurel High School Director of Bands, Jesse Croach. This year, Union Area High School will host the festival at their home field and all of the county schools will be in attendance, along with the Westminster Titans Marching Band. Each school will get the opportunity to showcase their halftime show and show their ability to work on the fly with others during the mass band portion at the end. During this time, all bands will take the field and play an arrangement by Croach, written specifically for this occasion, of God Bless America.
The Directors of Bands at New Castle High School, Mr. Nick Yoho and Mr. John Onufrak, have been working with the Red Hurricane Marching Band day in and day out since band camp in early August to perfect the style of the music and the technicality of the marching. The band will be performing all four of their tunes, What I Like About You as the majorette feature, Jesus Is Just Alright, Magic Carpet Ride as the Candy Cane feature, and Karn Evil 9 as the flagline feature.