No Stress, No Mess!

No Stress, No Mess!

Alexis Bethle, Featured Editor

The Webster Dictionary defines stress as pressure or tension that is exerted on a material object. When we stress about things that occur in our lives, whether in the past, present, or future, we are usually worrying and wishing that things will go well for us. Our response to these thoughts is stress, a physical reaction that shows that we care about the issue at hand. But over time, repetitive stress is not good for you or those around you. When you are stressed, the nervous system releases stress hormones including adrenaline and cortisol, your heart pounds, muscles tighten, and blood pressure rises along with many other symptoms. Stress that lasts for successive weeks can weaken your immune system and affect your overall physical and mental health. Stress also causes low energy, and it goes without saying that all of these effects can hurt our bodies over a long period of times.

Stress management is an important skill to understand for self-help when you face a stressful situation. Take into consideration that every person has to deal with stress in very different ways, and these tips might not all be suited for you. Hopefully, you will find one tip to help you be less stressed.

The first way to lower stress is to accept that there are certain events you can not prevent. Although it is hard to realize you are not in charge of everything and you can not choose everything that happens in your life. Practicing relaxation techniques are very important to be able to lessen the stress as soon as it starts. If you are able to do this and stay calm this will help you see exactly how you can stay away from stress. Making time for hobbies and interests help you to stay calm and see good and not worry about stress. Learning to manage your time well can help you see exactly what you have to do when and let you see that you do not have to stress yourself out as long as you manage what you have to do well. Eating healthy is a large part of staying stress-free on a day to day basis along with exercising regularly because it will allow you to unwind while bettering yourself in the best ways possible. If you do end up stressed make sure to get enough recovery and sleep because your body needs to recover from the stress you have experienced.

Overall, stress can be overwhelming but using these tips can greatly help you lessen stress and not give you as much stress at all. Stress is a very serious topic and if these tips do not help you seeking help is a good idea and can let you get the proper treatment and help you may need to be able to properly help this problem. I hope these tips can help you and the stress you experience from day to day.