Hayley’s Tips for Success Overcoming Spring Daydreaming/Success in Class

March 1, 2019
As we enter Spring, and students look forward to great weather and more activities, I wanted to help students continue to be successful as we enter the final nine weeks of school. -Hayley
Tips for Succeeding in Class
To have a successful class, you need to be positive, do your work, and listen intently. You will definitely improve as you follow these things:
- Attend Class. Do not skip classes and do not miss many days of school, because you will have no idea what is going on. When you miss class, you miss discussions of important things like presentations, tests, assignments, and more.
- Do your work. If you have homework, do not wait to do it right before class. Do it at home and check to see if you are correct with the help of others if you need it. It should be part of your daily routine, the same with studying too.
- Adapt. You should learn to adapt to the different things that go on in school. Part of your education is learning how to adapt. Learn to adapt with classroom rules, different teaching styles teachers do, and others.
- Be prepared for class. Have your homework completed and done, bring all of the things you need for class (pencil, folder, notebook, etc), and be awake and alert, not tired and sleeping. You have to be ready to learn, if you don’t then you do not know what could happen.
- Participate. Do not just sit there in class and do nothing, it is more interesting if you participate in the lesson. It helps you focus on that lesson and it keeps your mind completely focused. Ask questions if you need help, and participate in classroom discussions too.
- Converse and help. Do not sit there and let other do all of the work. Be involved in the project and talk and get along with your group. You need to get to know them and be involved with them to get things done more quickly. Help each other out, and do not leave anyone out, and do not let anyone slack off.
- Be respectful and nice. Engage with your classmates and be respectful towards them and your teacher. Be respectful in class, in social actions, and also be respectful online to others.
- Responsibility. Do not blame the teacher for your grades. It is not their fault, it is yours. If you feel the need to ask them for help, do it. Do your own work and don’t copy off of others. Do not make excuses if you end up with a horrible grade. Figure out what you can do to make your grade better the next time.