New Castle Faculty Interview with Mrs. Harlan!!!

Skylar Newingham, Feature Writer

Mrs. Harlan teaches Chemistry at New Castle Senior High School.  In addition, she is head coach for the Girl’s High School Cross Country Team.    

1. What is your teaching philosophy?

My teaching philosophy is to work hard and challenge my students but also to were they are enjoying the class.

2.  What made you decide you wanted to start teaching?

I went to school to become a doctor but I hated biology but loved chemistry. I love people so I wanted to be around people not stuck in a lab by myself. So I decided to give teaching a try.

3.  What do you like most about teaching?

I love interacting with the students and doing fun labs with them.

4.  Who was your first mentor?

Ms. Williams took me under her wing and guided me with science and Mr. Morgan guided me with the teaching part.

5.  Where did you go to collage and why?

The collage I went to is Geneva because my dad forced me to go there.

6.  What do you like least about teaching?

The thing I like least about teaching is when students keep their headphones in all day.

7.  If you did not become a teacher what would you have done?

I would of became a nurse because I love science and people.

8.  What is one thing about you that your students would be surprised to know?

I like to be adventures like go Rock climbing and White water catching.

9.  What are you hobbies outside of school?

I like to workout and do something out doors.

10.  What piece of advise would you give your students on life?

I would tell them to get off social media and don’t sweat the small stuff. What is important right now won’t be in a year or two.