March 5, 2019
The Service Learning Class will be collecting donations for the humane society. Please bring in items (listed below) and drop them off at Mr. Mancino’s or Mrs. Joseph. New Castle students will have until March 29th to bring in items and donations. The animals at the Lawrence County Humane Society need your help. Please donate specific animal items or a dollar to purchase items.
Pet Items: Cleaning Supplies:
Dry dog food/treats HE Laundry Soap
Dry puppy food/treats Dawn Dish Soap
Dry cat food/treats Floor Cleaner
Blankets Disinfectant Wipes
Bathroom Rugs Dish Sponges
Cat Toys Hand Soap
Dog Toys Paper Towels
Leashes Bleach
Non-Clumping Cat Litter Dust Pans
Collars Brooms
Metal Bowls only