March 13, 2019
Not one, but three New Castle Jr-Sr. High Schools competitive robotics teams qualified for the 2019 Vex Robotics Worlds Competition to be held in Louisville, KY at the end of April 24-28th. On Saturday, March 9th 45 teams from across Western PA met up at the state championships held at Keystone Oaks High School. Six New Castle competitive robotics teams showed up with passion and determination to win. All six teams scored high enough to make it through qualification rounds and in to the final elimination matches. Two of these teams 16101G and 1610Z went undefeated during these qualification rounds.
Team 16101x – The Excellence Award – This award is the highest award presented in the Vex Robotics Competition. It is presented to the team that exemplifies overall excellence in creating a high-quality program. This team also won The Robot Skills Finalist Award for finishing second in the Driving Skills and Programming Skills challenge. Students on this team are: Aodhan McMichael, Carmen Bauer, David Krull, Mark Jones, Mary
Team 16101Z – The Robot Skills Champion Award is presented to the team with the highest combined Programming and Driving Skills Challenge score. A team’s combined score will be determined by adding their highest Programming Skills score and their highest Driving Skills score at a single competition. Students on this team are:Isaiah Ruffley, Alan Lewis, Arielle Recchione, Te’Asia Stewart
Team 16101Y – The Design Award – This award is presented to the team that demonstrates an organized and professional approach to the design process, project and time management, and team organization. Students on this team are: Dante Mangeri, Abby Bryson, Melissa McLaren, Isaac King, Brett Tyree