Meet New Castle’s Man of Many Talents: Mr.Angelo Perrotta Educator, Entrepreneur and Gemologist

I recently had the opportunity to interview our long-time substitute teacher, Mr. Angelo Perrotta, at New Castle Senior High School. Mr. Perrotta is the owner of NCTV-45 (our community-based television station) in New Castle. In addition, Mr. Perrotta has taught business and is a certified gemologist. He also had a successful career as a businessman in the jewelry industry. I hope you enjoy this interview- Joshua
Question: What year did you graduate from high school?
Mr.Perrotta: I graduated in 1979 from Union High School. I was a Scottie, and one thing that is hard for everyone to believe is that my dad was the assistant principal here at New Castle. Also, I know everyone here at New Castle as wells as at Union. Also, I taught or coached at every single school in the county.
Q: Favorite memory from high school?
Mr.Perrotta: Well, I have many. I love all sports. But, my favorite would have to be Chuck Barris in the Gong Show. You can go on Youtube, and look that up.
Question: Who are some people who made a big influence on you throughout your childhood?
Mr.Perrotta: I was a big Notre Dame fan. It should be known that I am all Notre Dame all the time. So, so big ones were Knute Rockne, Ara Parsigian, and Father Hesburg.
Question: Did you attend college? If so, what year did you graduate?
Mr.Perrotta: Duquesne University. 1983.
Question: How did you start NCTV-45?
Mr.Perrotta: I attend all football and basketball games. At that time I was subbing every day at the high school. On Saturday we drive to Univerisity of Edinboro between NC, and Erie Cathedral Prep. I was mainly subbing in Italian Class, and Sean Anderson was in one class. We were up big with little seconds left. Their students were acting up a lot, and you could notice. Sean Anderson went for the ball and caught an uppercut. The next day, I was subbing. Students asked me if I saw that game. Students asked me what we would do, and I said I have two things. I have a call into the Bishop of Erie to control their behavior, and we are going to start a TV station to capture the great things of New Castle.
Question: What is the rich history of NCTV?
Mr.Perrotta: Let’s start with the 45. Very few folks know this, but NC had it’s on a TV station. It was part of the Dumont Station, which was channel 45. When Dumont went bankrupt, ABC bought Dumont, and the only ABC station in PA was New Castle. It became channel 33, which allowed Jet TV in Erie, and WTAE in Pittsburgh to open. The two combined, and that is how we get our channel 4 news. So, on our show, we feature a lot of shows. Just to name a few, we have our opening show, our daily and nightly news, and lessons that allow you to learn, such as Algebra, and the ability to learn other languages. But our main show is Cook in the Castle, which has been watched by every state, and 70 different countries throughout the world. Also, you may be wondering about our logo-the trains used to pass more through New Castle than any other city in our area. So, our motto is we are available to provide you quality television any time, on your time. This is possible due to the platform we utilize at NCTV-45 as well as podcasting sporting events such as New Castle Football games on Friday night.
Mr. Perrotta Cook in the Castle
Question: How can you become involved with NCTV?
Mr.Perrotta: If you go to Career Link and talk to Maryanne Moss, or Stephaine, and explain how you would like to learn for NCTV 45. They will put you in a program, and you will learn the basics of video journalism.
Question: In a couple of years, where do you envision NCTV-45?
Mr.Perrotta: The leading community station in Western PA, covering Mercer, Lawrence, and Washington counties.
Question: The most interesting thing you have reported on to your audience?
Mr.Perrotta: I believe everything I report on is interesting. To me, it gets more and more interesting as it goes on.
Question: Describe yourself in three words.
Mr.Perrotta: Fair, Inquisitive, Enjoyable.
Question: How do you start your day?
Mr.Perrotta: I start my day in three different ways. With a cup of coffee, and plan for the business day-Monday through Friday. A cup of coffee and agitating a few friends on Saturday and Sunday. Most of all, I think the best way to start a day is a quality thought for the day, Powerline with Brother John Rivers, and deep thought.
Question: What are some upcoming series we can see on NCTV?
Mr.Perrotta: Well, as we speak, Piggy Ravioli, which is the ravioli made in New Castle are twice as big as the one made anywhere else. Historical societies, Mistletoe Magic, and A History of TV in NC.
Question: What got you interested in cooking and have you been surprised by the success of the cooking in the castle show?
Mr.Perrotta: If anybody knows anything about me, In totally love sports, music, and food. Thus, when you have great food it’s always a party. So, I’m always able to get at least 2/3 aspects completed in Cook in the Castle, and sometimes 3/3 aspects. So, I’m usually able to start the show with some music and talk about tailgating. All of this happens during the show. I love all three of these things.
Question: Favorite Restaurant?
Mr.Perrotta: Any restaurant in New Castle. It’s really great town for food.
Please note: Mr. Perrotta’s son Angelo is Senior Editor of Photography for the Eye of the Hurricane and will be graduating in June of this year.