Mr. Samples 2020 A NEW “SAMPS”
I recently had the opportunity to catch up with the multi-talented Mr. Samples. I hope you enjoy this interview.-Austin
Question: What is your new role this year?
Mr.Samps: I started out as a Long Term Sub filling in for Mrs. Doneluck while she was on maternity leave. I then transferred to being a Day to Day sub and I am now back over to the Senior High side for KeyStone tutoring.
Question: How are your students going to develop this year?
Mr. Samps: Hopefully, through lessons and group, work my students will learn and progress in class and achieve a higher score on their Keystone Literature Exams.
Questi0n: Are you utilizing any new teaching methods, since student teaching?
Mr. Samps: The biggest thing is classroom management. I have tried bringing in some of my own methods along with what I learned from Mr. Kosciuszko and Mr. Abraham last spring.
Question: What was your New Year’s Resolution?
Mr. Samps: I am not a big New Year Resolution person. I have never made one before.
Question: What did you do over the holidays?
Mr. Samps: I worked and skied at Peek n Peak Resort during winter break.
Question: Any travel plans for the Summer of 2020?
Mr. Samps: Not at the moment. Right now my plan is to work.
Question: How are your teaching methods going to help the high school students for the KeyStones?
Mr. samps: My goal is to help make connections with the content to the student’s personal life or interests. Hopefully, those connections spark their memory when taking the Keystone.
Question: What’s the difference between the positions you have had this year?
Mr. Samps: As a Long-Term Substitute I completed everything as a full-time teacher does such as lesson plans, grading, and teaching. Once I moved back to Day-to-Day, I began to follow the lesson plans of the teachers I was covering for the day. Now as a Keystone Tutor I am responsible for helping students learn areas of Literature/English that they struggle in and help them improve and pass their Literature Keystone Exam.