Benefits of Tutoring here at NCHS


Corey Corbin and Tyler Savage, Authors

New Castle High School has implemented a Success and Recovery tutoring program this year to help students catch up on schoolwork if they are absent, help students in a subject area if needed, to help students maintain proper academic progress. This program is designed to help students who may have missed school or have fallen a bit behind academically. They are able to receive the necessary help in the S&R Room. Our goal is to see all the students succeed while in school.  We took some time to sit down with Mr. Ruiz, who is the head Success and Recovery Facilitator, for an interview. 

Q: How does the process of success and recovery tutoring work?

Students are identified by their teachers to attend Success and Recovery tutoring. The program is structured as follows:

Mondays – Electives

Tuesdays – Math

Wednesdays – English

Thursdays – Science

Fridays – Social Studies

A runner is dispatched to individual classes with a pass for the specific students being tutored on that day. Students that come to the room receive further instruction and the opportunity to make up any missed assignments.

Q: Reflecting on the first quarter did you think it worked?

S&R is a brand new program established by the school. Many students were able to see large improvements in their grades. In that respect, it was a success. However, there is always room for improvement. I desire to see this program help all targeted students.

Q: Who runs success and recovery tutoring? 

Me! Mr. Ruiz is the Success and Recovery facilitator but there is a team of individuals that are an integral part of the program. Ms. Rigby and Ms. Young are two of the people that work in the S&R room. As well, several field students from Slippery Rock University are available on Tuesdays and Thursdays. In addition, all the wonderful teachers in the high school are available to contribute assistance.

Q: What made you want to work at NCASD?

I decided to work in the NCASD because of the students, teachers, and administration, but mostly the students. 

Thank you, Mr. Ruiz, for the important information about our Success and Recovery Tutoring Program. We hope you have a wonderful school year! Keep Calm and Tutor on!