History of President’s Day


Josh Hoerner, Author

Many people know that many people get the 3rd Monday off from school and from work in February. However, not many people know why. Let’s take a look at some of the historical background behind President’s Day.  

The reason Presidents Day has become a federal holiday is that George Washington, the 1st President of the United States, was born on February 22nd. Congress established the holiday in 1885.  However, it was only celebrated in Washington, D.C.  However, it has now expanded country-wide. President’s Day is observed on the 3rd Monday in February. School districts are closed, banks are closed, some bigger businesses are closed, even doctor’s offices may be closed. 

We celebrate this wonderful holiday in honor of all of the leaders who helped shape our country into the way it is today.  We hope you enjoy your President’s Day Canes!