The history of handbags for women shows how fashion have evolved over time. Handbags, or purses, as we know them today started becoming popular in the late 18th and early 19th centuries. Before this time, women would use small pockets hidden in their clothing to carry their belongings. In the early 1800s, fashion changed, and women began wearing slimmer dresses that couldn’t hide pockets. This led to the creation of “reticules,” which were small, decorative bags carried by hand. Reticules were often made of fine materials like silk and were used to carry essentials like handkerchiefs, coins, and smelling salts. By the late 19th and early 20th centuries, the industrial revolution had a big impact on handbag design. Factories could now produce bags in large quantities, making them more affordable and available to more women. During this time, handbags became larger and more practical, with compartments and clasps to keep items secure. They were often made of leather and featured more sophisticated designs.
The 1920s handbags became a crucial accessory. Flapper styles and the need for bags that matched the new, shorter dresses meant handbags were often small and carried on the wrist. These bags were often highly decorative, with beads, sequins, and other embellishments. During World War II, materials like leather were in short supply, so handbags were often made from alternatives like fabric and plastic. After the war, the 1950s saw a return to luxury and glamour, with designer brands like Chanel and Louis Vuitton becoming very popular. These brands created iconic styles that are still famous today. In the 1960s and 70s, fashion became more diverse, and so did handbags. There were all sorts of styles, from small clutches to large, practical shoulder bags. The materials also varied widely, including everything from traditional leather to new, synthetic materials.Today, handbags are both a fashion statement and a practical item. There are countless styles, brands, and designs to choose from, making them an essential part of a woman’s wardrobe. Handbags continue to evolve with fashion trends, technology, and the changing needs of women around the world.