The Man Behind the Letter


Kalle Eggleston, Senior Editor

While I am sure everyone is very familiar with the Guidance Office and those who inhabit it, there is one man I feel is often overlooked. Mr. Eagle, and before you even ask yes, he is an Eagles fan as he was born and bread in Philly. He is our schools truancy officer, and if you are not aware of what that entails in short he investigates those of us who miss way more school than legally allowed. If you still are not sure who this mysterious investigator is I am sure you have seen him around. You may have spotted him behind the security desk with Mr. Nerti or even lurking the halls with some eagle gear on (literally and athletically). In his past life he experimented with many different careers including but not limited to, private investigator, parole officer, social worker, and a student council advisor. He became accomplished in a few of these fields winning Social Worker of the Year and Student Council Advisor of the Year back to back. He also, along with the care of all of us has his own family. Mr. Eagle has three childrenĀ  all with their masters degree and even one with their doctorate degree. He supports the furthering of their education and even helps by financially supporting them through school. Personally I love seeing Mr. Eagle and he is a great man to sit down and have a chat with. I would highly recommend next time you are in the Guidance Office to pay Mr. Eagle a visit, and make sure you are not on NCA warning too.