Haley’s Tips for Success: Getting Organized


Haley Donofrio, Senior Editor

Getting organized can be a hard thing for anybody to do at this point of the year. It makes you want to pull your hair out. Well, do not panic I have the right tips for you!

  1. Keep an organizer/planner with you so you can organize your thoughts and homework.
  2. Think about your schedule and figure out when you have time to stop at your locker.
  3. Keep ideas in a journal about other ways to stay organized.

Being organized isn’t hard, but it is a skill that needs to be developed and practiced.

Study Area

Your study area shoudl be comfortable quiet, well-lit and have a surface for writing

Pocket Folders

Have a pocket folder for each class. Use these folders for homework assignments, returned papers, and handouts.


Most students use spiral or three-ring notebooks for class notes.  If you’re absent, you can also copy a classmate’s notes and insert them in your notebook.

In closing, always use your time wisely, develop routines, create a study plan, and most importantly make to-do lists.

Courtesy of Study Skills InfoGuide