New Castle High School: Then and Now


Matthew Troutman, Senior Editor

For the past six years that I have attended New Castle Junior/Senior  High School, I have noticed a lot of changes. For example: from allowing hoodies and to adding Hurricane Tuesdays.  At the end of this school year there was even the first ever Senior/Teacher breakfast. But these are only the little thing that they have changed. Ten years ago the students had to tuck in their shirts as a part of the dress code;dress code;while twelve years ago they rebuilt the high school into what it is now-a magnificent facility.

Before they rebuilt  the school the district had many different classes. The foreign languages were even different they had German,  Latin,  and Greek.  At one point  in time the high school even offered  Zoology,Botany and Astronomy.

Now in the school we have gotten a lot more advanced with our Steam classes such as Applied Robotics. The school even has a 3D printer now.  Without a doubt, our school is finding more ways to improve and become advanced in many ways.  Indeed, we appear to be at the forefront of a very changing and dynamic time in education.  Without a  doubt,  I am very proud of  being a  2018 graduate of New Castle Senior High School.