Comparing Butler and New Castle High Schools- Meet Hope Willams!

Comparing Butler and New Castle High Schools- Meet Hope Willams!

Renee Lopez, Feature Writer

Butler vs New Castle

Hope Williams is my close friend.  She moved here from Butler and attended New Castle High School for her sophomore year.  This is her first year in New Castle, so we decided to compare it to her school in Butler.  I wanted to compare the two schools and her experiences in both.  I had to ask Hope a few questions and this is how it went.

1.) How different is it here than in Butler?

  • “It’s very different.  New Castle’s school is a lot smaller than Butler.  Also, we didn’t really have a dress code in Butler.”

2.) How are the classes in New Castle?

  • The classes are easier, but New Castle doesn’t have an orchestra.  It makes me sad.

3.) Do you like your teachers here?

  • Yes, most of them are pretty friendly and made me feel welcomed.

4.) Who’s your favorite teacher?

  • Definitely Mr. Lubin.  He was just so welcoming when I came here.    

5.) What kind of electives do you plan on taking next year?

  • Public speaking, Italian II, screenwriting, and debate

6.) Do you take part in any extracurricular activities?

  • Musical, EcoTeam, NC Pride with Lubin.  In Butler we had a mock trial, that’s something I wish New Castle had.  

7.) Do you want to go to college? What do you plan on doing after high school?

  • Yes, I want to go to college for either law or political science.  

8.) What College?

  • University of New England (UNE)

9.) Do you like New Castle?

  • It’s alright, the friends I’ve met have definitely made it better though.  

10.) What talents do you have?

  • I play the violin, I paint and draw a lot too.  

Overall, Hope loved attending both New Castle and Butler.  Both schools have positive and unique qualities that she has come to appreciate.