Meet the Accomplished Mr. Stefano

Meet the Accomplished Mr. Stefano

I recently interviewed Mr. Stefano, who is a law and civics teacher at New Castle High School. In addition to teaching, Mr. Stefano is also a member of the New Castle city council.

Q1: Why did you want to be a history teacher?
A1: I always loved history class and wanted to talk about it all the time.

Q2: Why did you choose to teach at NCASD?
A2: I was born in New Castle and attended NCASD.

Q3: What college did you attend, and what degrees did you obtain?
A3: Slippery Rock University – Bachelor of Science; Duquesne – Master in Education; University of Pittsburgh – Master in Public Affairs.

Q4: What was your first job?
A4: My first job was as a Staff Representative.

Q5: Biggest obstacle to advance career path?
A5: The biggest obstacle I faced was waiting for an opening and people to retire.

Q6: What is your favorite and least part about teaching?
A6: My favorite part is the ability to inform students about history and my least favorite part is the meetings, paperwork, etc.

Q7; How long have you been teaching?
A7: I’ve taught for twenty years

Q8: Ever wanted to rethink your career?
A8: Yes, I had other interests but this is the one I wanted to pursue.

Q9: Biggest Strength
A9: My biggest strength is American and Political history.

Q10: Teaching Philosophy
A10: I teach the “old school” way, which involves notetaking, lectures, and discussion.