What is mental health people may ask? Well, mental health is how we get through everyday life. It is how we cope, how we feel, how we treat others, and how we determine our all-around moods. Developing healthy ways to calm down is an important part of life. Here are some healthy habits to start doing when you’re feeling anxious or upset. Let us know what works for you!
The 5-4-3-2-1 Method-
5 things you can see.
4 things you can touch.
3 things you can hear.
2 things you can smell.
And 1 thing you can taste.
Box Breathing-
Breathe in deep and count to 4.
Exhale and count to 4.
Repeat until relaxed.
Watch Calming Videos-
Research the best calming videos on Youtube
Sit, relax, and watch