The Watergate Scandal


Victor DiMuccio, Senior Editor

With all the perceived chaos, in our nation”s capitol, I thought it would be a great opportunity to relive one of the biggest presidential scandal’s in history-Victor DiMuccio 

The Watergate Scandal was a major political scandal that involved President Richard Nixon that made him resign from the Presidency because of certain impeachment. Watergate took place in Washington D.C. at the Watergate office where the Democratic National Committee was broken into by five men. Four of them were formally active in the CIA. They broke into the headquarters to try and wiretap the phones so President Nixon could win re-election easier by obtaining  incriminating documents. Over thirty people of Nixon’s administration were found guilty and only  forty nine were indicted.

It took about four years to investigate the case against Nixon with congressitional hearings. The President ended up lying and saying he did not have any knowledge of the break-in.  This ultimately led to his resignation, and Vice President Ford becoming the thirty eighth President of the United States.