Haley’s Tips for Success: Taking Notes


Haley Donofrio, Senior Editor/Operations

Do you ever think you take too long to write notes or maybe you don’t think you take enough notes? Well, here are some tips of what you should do with your notes and some strategies to both the process of note taking and what you as the note taker should be doing.

Before you even begin the notes, make sure you are actually paying attention and listening. You should be actively listening, not just passive listening. When you are actively listening, you understand the words that are being said more efficiently.

Once you begin taking notes, listen for key words that the teacher or professor is discussing. These can be key components that you should know for the test or exam. Also, format your notes to a place where you can understand it and study it. Lastly, if you hear the teacher or professor repeat him or herself, you should be sure to write what was stated down and make a note that it is an important topic. If you think you take too long to write, use symbols or abbreviations that you understand to help you write faster.

Once you have a few minutes left, go back and rewrite anything you are confused with to ensure you are understanding what is being said.

Here are some tips on how to be successful with note taking. Happy Note-Taking!

Courtesy of Study Skills InfoGuide